Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Idle for 2 Months

I know, I've been slacking on blogging. My apologies, but I'm back!

For the past 2 months I've been out of town, busy getting ready for my husband's deployment to Afghanistan, having siblings vacation at our place, people getting married at the court house, etc. etc. It's been a busy 2 months, I must admit. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Alright, enough ramblings. I've missed practically the entire month of May. I wanted someone to personalize my blog layout but the person that I asked is not moving to California! So she's super busy getting ready and I don't mind :D It's a beautiful opportunity to be able to go out there and pursue what you studied for. I'm sure she'll enjoy California and I wish her the best of luck!

Here is my Photo Diary for the month of May:

Myself & my friend, Jmin<3 Reunited at the LMFAO concert!

Far East Movement

Luckily with our awesome Groupon deal we only paid a couple bucks to be at the front floors (
$30 some dollars? I can't remember). After the concert, we smelled like Coronas 
(that was sprayed onto the crowd). Best concert I've ever been to!

Anderson Cooper came to OSU and my good friend got us a ticket to see him talk! What's crazy is, some kid wasted a question by asking if he was gay. I was disappointed because I felt like there could of been better questions to ask! Weeks later, Anderson Cooper announced that he was gay. Crushed my friend's dream of marrying him, lol.

During the time I was home, I worked out, found out that I had a crazy allergic reaction to Mangos (lips were inflamed and water bubbles as if I had poison ivy), spent time with friends, went to my home church and relaxed with my parents. I drove straight back to ATL by myself (made it under 9 hours with a relaxed Husky). Here is my Photo Diary of Atlanta:

Proximo standing in the back seat but poking his head out to the front seat

Ate at TWO Urban Licks

I can't even remember what we ordered but one of the desserts came free of charge

Myself and my younger sister

Biggie (my sisters dog who is half Pitbull/German Shephard) sitting on Proximo's head

After I got home from Atlanta (which by then it was June) I had to go to Fort Stewart to pick up my husband from JRTC (Joint Readiness Training Center that was in Louisiana). There were a ton of families, children and dogs there. Waiting for their husbands/wives to be released. Everyone looked pretty excited and relieved to have their loved ones home. I had Proximo with me and everyone was loving his view. Proximo is always the center of attention. Huskies. Hahahaha.

I'll definitely post more about the rest of June-July. For now, I think this is enough. More photo diary updates to come! Tomorrow, perhaps. 

Oh, and make-up reviews! This is my way of payment for missing blog posts, ha.

Until then, many blessings everyone!