I don't even know where to start. I am the worst at introductions and I'm not the best entertainer (I believe). I decided to give it 'a-go' with my blogspot account simply because 1. Most of my favorite bloggers use this and 2. Why not. I have the free time and I'm trying to learn how to express myself. I have a Tumblr account where I re-blog photo's quite often. I've hardly written anything personal in it plus I'm sure not anyone would want to scroll pages after pages of pointless pictures just to get to my personal feed. Therefore, I decided Blogspot. To write about my life (and other stuff that I'm interested in). An online diary where I won't use names (only nicknames) and post my own personal pictures. No re-blogging here. Just real personality and feelings. Yes?
Here's my story. So far my life's been a love story (I guess?). I was born and raised in Dublin, Ohio. Yes, we had farms, cows, and whatever else but it's not like we were surrounded by it (like Kansas in the show called Smallville). Suburbia, I loved it. Wholesome Christian family. I have a younger sister, almost Irish Twins (we're exactly a year and a day apart). I've been through bad break-ups, emotional abuse, typical Asian father anger dealios, loss of long term friendships, betrayal, rumor/gossiping around the church about me, firsts, a whole lot of failures and overall... Life. I am currently 24 years old. Married to my soldier last year Spring. Left Ohio at 23 years of age. It's been on an adventure ever since. Finding myself, being a newly wed Army wife, experiencing a whole new world of being involved with the military, struggling to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life...
I am almost hesitant on starting this blog because I am a private person I like to keep my name out of people's mouths. I strongly dislike drama and I do anything just to stay away from it.
Oh well. I have adventures coming my way, I gotta document it on a blog! I will try my best to keep this professional (semi, and 'try' is the key word). This is all unscripted and let's face it. The people that really know me personally... I'm not the best organizer. So, let's see how this will go.