Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I've typed up a blog post. Lately I've been using an App called "DAYRE" which has been a lot easier for me to post photo's and what not. I really don't want to slack anymore on this blog so I'm going to try and stick to it!

I am due any day now... 39 weeks pregnant today! Yes. I am pregnant. This pregnancy has been a long time coming.

1st Trimester: I was in so much pain. Pain as in terrible nausea. Anything I ate didn't taste satisfying and gradually my stomach felt nauseous 24/7. All through the day and all through the night I was painfully nauseous. But I can count with 1 hand how many times I had thrown up. I remember one time I had an almost black out session when I walked into the kitchen. I held onto the kitchen walls then called the nurse line. I couldn't eat anything in the mornings until I was well over my 2nd Trimester. Also, fatigue kicked my butt!

2nd Trimester: Once I hit 14 weeks the nausea was subsiding... But I was still very sick. My mom actually flew in from Ohio to take care of me. I was stuck on the couch most of the time. Couldn't cook or clean because I felt absolutely sick. I was so grateful that my mom came out to be with me.

Well after 16 weeks of pregnancy I started to feel 90% myself! Started to pick up on energy and I was getting things done around the house. I was so relieved. However, that didn't last very long. At the end of my 2nd Trimester I started to get tired again. Fatigue started kicking in and I started sleeping 12 hours a day. My ligaments were cramping pretty badly once I hit 20 weeks. I was in complete shock and had to take it slow whenever I walked anywhere. Oh, baby girl (yes I'm having a girl) is one active baby. She likes to let me know whatever food I'm eating she doesn't like. Or the way I'm laying she'll kick me to no end until I switch positions.

3rd Trimester: I was decent! I didn't have much trouble until I hit 35 weeks. It all went downhill after that. Pelvic pain started to get worse and worse every week. I've experienced pregnancy insomnia twice, which was HORRIBLE. Nothing like laying there awake through the night listening to your husband comfortably snore the night away...

Currently at 39 weeks... TMI but my vagina hurts. Literally my pubic bone (?) hurts so bad I walk with a limp. I can't even go downstairs anymore because the stairs just kill me. Walking in general kills me. I'm in a so much pain! Thank goodness I had scheduled my prenatal massage earlier today. The massage therapist worked on my pelvis and shoulders really well that I felt like I was on Cloud 9. For some odd reason, my baby likes to put all of her weight down onto my left pelvis. Suddenly this past weekend, everything on my left side started to hurt/ache. My massage therapist worked on my shoulders and all I could hear was "crunch, crunch, crunch".

I've been getting some relief by doing the Child's Pose and Pelvic Rocks (yoga). Pushing the baby up off my pelvis to gain some temporary relief. My friends suggested taking a warm bath so I will have to do that soon. I did take a warm bath last Friday and some how it caused my left shoulder to ache.

Overall, I'm almost done. Pregnancy has been quite unglamorous for me BUT you know what... I know it's all going to be worth it. I'm creating a baby. A mini-me. I thank God every day and night that He graced me with this blessing. I've met a handful of women who would die to have a child but cannot. Who would be willing to have stretch marks or hemorrhoids just so they could be pregnant. I know 2 who are paying $5,000 out of pocket to go through IVF. I cannot and do not take any of this for granted. I did everything I could to use Organic products and eat healthy foods. I've gained almost 30 lbs (gained 26lbs exact). I wasn't the fittest in the beginning of my pregnancy so that's probably why I didn't gain so much weight.

Before I found out I was pregnant I was in the process of losing weight. I lost 14lbs and was planning on losing more but... Pregnant. :)