Tuesday, December 6, 2016

PNW Life

Born and raised in Ohio. Moved to Georgia for the first time at age 23. Flew 4,703 miles to Hawaii. Had our first child and found another Husky. Now residing in the Pacific Northwest. I never imagined my life to be like this (in a good way).

I wish I had taken the time to blog more about Hawaii (or when I was living in Hawaii). There were so many experiences and wonderful people I had met. Do I miss Hawaii? Of course, it's fucking gorgeous there. Would I want to go back and live there? No. As beautiful and friendly the locals were, I don't think I could live there. Why?

Growing up, everyone around me wanted to move out of Columbus, Ohio and into a major big(ger) city. For me, I really didn't care. I didn't mind living in Ohio and knowing where all the backroads to take. I didn't mind my city because it's my home. I loved my home. I love Ohio.

Hawaii was compact with too many people and tourists (hence the traffic). There was only 1 way to get to Town (Honolulu) and that was H1. Being on the mainland, I enjoy the convenience of driving to my destination without being limited.

I also enjoy the convenience of driving short distances to a Korean grocery store, Michaels, Panera, Marshalls, JCPenny, etc. Also, our poor truck has been through enough abuse since the parking spots in Hawaii are very skinny (lots of dings, scratches, etc).

Being in the Pacific Northwest for the past 6 months has been pretty cool. The weather here is total opposite from Hawaii, of course. There's hardly any humidity here (THANK YOU JESUS) and I haven't been eaten up by mosquitos while sitting on my back porch. The Huskies are loving it here and enjoy the cool breeze. My husband and daughter especially love the cool breeze here. Both of them hate being hot, haha. Plus the outdoor recreation is my husband's type of a good time (shooting, hunting, hiking).

Mount Rainier is the bees knees. It was Kato's and our daughter's first time playing with snow! They loved it. These photos were taken this past May and they still had snow up at the top! It took us about an hour to reach the entrance of Mt. Rainier and then another hour or less to reach other spots around the mountain. Definitely worth it.

My goal is to discover more places around here before we move again. I am so grateful for the experience. Living in different coasts has really opened up my eyes to a lot of different things. I'll try to remember and post another entry of what I had learned the past 6 years.